- Space Save floor space by getting rid of traditionnal archiving in boxes.
- Efficiency Finding documents is simple and fast. No more searching through boxes.
- Saving efficiency + no need to print some documents + removing of filing in cabinets and/or boxes + recovered floor space = IMPORTANT MONEY SAVINGS.
What the large consultancies have to say
A four drawer filing cabinet contains 18 000 pages
(Source: NAPO)
The cost for filling a four drawer cabinet is 25 000 $ and it cost
2 100 $ per year to maintain.
(Source: Gartner Group, Coopers & Lybrand, Ernst & Young)
In an average company, the cost for finding a document that was
misclassified is 120 $ in salary. One document
on 20 is lost and 25 hours of work are needed to recreate these lost
documents. (Source: Price Waterhouse Coopers)
Find your savings with our calculators
Customer invoices or contract filing calculator
Vendor cheques and invoice filing calculator